Consumer Alert - Gibson Law Firm, PLLC Is NOT Collecting Debts in Various States

It has come to our attention that some person or entity has pirated our firm logo and other intellectual property and is engaging in online "phishing" schemes. These schemes include claims that this firm is collecting debts and pursuing legal actions against individuals in various states. The emails in these schemes attempt to coerce individuals to forward payments for debts they claim are owed.

Please be aware that this firm has sent no such emails. We are not engaging in these debt collection activities. We are very sorry that this has happened to anyone, and we are actively taking steps with authorities, both foreign and domestic, to put a stop to this practice. We apologize for any inconvenience or hardship. If you have been a victim of these phishing schemes, please contact us so that we may provide your information to the appropriate authorities. In Arkansas, please contact the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection Division at (800) 482-8982.

We thank you for your help, and again, we apologize if anyone has suffered from these activities.
