Gibson Law Firm

Consumer Alert - Gibson Law Firm, PLLC is Not Engaging in Debt Collection Matters

It has again come to our attention that some person or entity has pirated our firm logo and other intellectual property and is engaging in online "phishing" schemes and in person phone calls. These schemes include claims that this firm is collecting debts and pursuing legal actions against individuals in various states. The emails and phone calls in these schemes attempt to coerce individuals to forward payments for debts they claim are owed. The phone calls even attempt to identify themselves as “Jesse Gibson.”

Please be aware that this firm has sent no such emails. We are not engaging in these debt collection activities. These activities are a fraudulent scam. We are very sorry that this has happened to anyone, and we are actively taking steps with authorities, both foreign and domestic, to put a stop to this practice. We apologize for any inconvenience or hardship. If you have been a victim of these phishing schemes, please contact us so that we may provide your information to the appropriate authorities. In Arkansas, please contact the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection Division at (800) 482-8982.

We thank you for your help, and again, we apologize if anyone has suffered from these activities. This firm does not engage in debt collection cases.

Gibson Law Firm Offers Contingency Fee Arrangements for Commercial and Business Litigation

Historically, contingency fee agreements have been the working man's keys to their local courthouse.  For most working folks, paying an hourly rate of $100 or $200 an hour is simply not realistic.  Therefore, contingency fee cases allow the law firm to assume all risks of winning and losing via the prepayment of all case costs and no hourly charges for work performed.  In return, the firm is entitled to for a percentage of recovery (if any occurs) and repayment of costs without interest or surcharge.  This arrangement allows normal, everyday folks to pursue cases against large corporations, insurance companies, or other entities that could (and often would) spend them into oblivion and deny or delay justice.

This normal fee arrangement has traditionally applied to personal injury cases.  But times, they are a-changin'.  Many commercial business disputes or debt collection cases are being handled these days on just these same terms.  Why?  It's a good deal for clients and the attorneys.  Most contract cases have the potential for the winner to be repaid attorney's fees by statute.  Therefore, even if a percentage of recovery is paid to attorneys, as well as costs, it may actually be reimbursed by motion to the court by the winning party.  It can be a win-win.

At Gibson Law Firm, we have an extensive background in commercial and business litigation.  For several years prior to the firm's general focus on personal injury and medical negligence cases, the firm handled almost exclusively business and commercial litigation.  If you are a small business or business owner, and are in a commercial dispute and need representation, but are wary of onerous hourly fee obligations, please call Gibson Law Firm at (501) 371-9051 and discuss representation on a contingency fee arrangement.  We offer varying percentages of recovery arrangements based on responsibility of costs.  Please call or email to to see if these work for your business and commercial needs.