See this guy speak about case selection at the ATLA Trial Strategies in the Ozarks CLE at the Chancellor Hotel in Fayetteville, Arkansas on November 13, 2015.
Just a friendly heads up about a very cool CLE event that is happening up in Northwest Arkansas in a few weeks on November 13th. This is a hell of a CLE event at a reasonable price and for you Northwest Arkansas folks, it’s right in your backyard at the Chancellor Hotel right off the square in Fayetteville.
Also, and perhaps most important, this gives young lawyers the nuts and bolts, meat and taters guideline about how to intake and screen a case and how to work it up. For young lawyers and those starting out in solo practice, this CLE will affect your bottom line and help you to learn how to turn your law degree into an income stream. I know it can be daunting as a young lawyer when a guy comes in with a broken arm or a sore neck, and you are unsure of what to do or how to proceed. Here is a list of things you WILL learn how to do at this CLE:
1. How to objectively look at a case and decide whether or not it’s a case you can and/or should take.
2. How to take a treating doctor’s deposition and present his or her testimony.
3. How to effectively mediate a case.
4. How to persuasively voir, dire, open, and close standing before a jury.
When you are trying to develop your personal injury practice, these issues often come up and it can be uncomfortable to ask for assistance. You can get all of your questions answered at this CLE! In addition, you will hear from a federal judge, the Honorable Tim Brooks, and hear his observations from the bench. Here is a registration link. I think this will be a very good CLE at a great price. Please register today, or better yet, sign up for your season ticket!